Initial Information Required by the IBISBAKHub

Initial information should be added / checked by the infrastructures associated with each project. This information includes:

  • Name of the project
  • Description of the project
  • Associated infrastructures
  • Tags for the project
  • Organisms that the project is for (NCBI taxons)
  • Specific IBISBA people associated with the project
  • Start and end dates of the project

The default sharing policy of the project must be specified. It should allow no public access, and manage access to members of the project.


The license must be specified. Suggested open licenses are:

  • CC0, under which data are made available for any use without restriction or particular requirements on the part of users
  • CC BY, under which data are made available for any use provided that attribution is appropriately given for the sources of data used, in the manner specified by the owner
  • CC BY-NC, under which data are made available for any use provided that attribution is appropriately given and provided the use is not for commercial purposes

The customer may be given some access rights, but this can be determined later.

Initial Organisation Steps

  • An IBISBA person should be defined as the contact for the project.
  • An IBISBAKHub representative should be identified for the project.
  • People should be specified as contacts for each infrastructure.
  • The customer contact should be identified.

The contact details should be specified in a free text document called contacts and uploaded as a document of the project.

Process Steps

  • Meeting of IBISBAKHub representative with all the Facility Operators (FO) involved in the project The meetings will be minuted
  • Project steps to be decided by the FO together with the clients The project steps will be documented in a spreadsheet The project steps will specify, / reference the protocol - which includes the inputs and outputs

What Exactly Will the TNAs Provide to the Hub?

  • Data/information is added to the IBISBAKHub while the project is ongoing. This involves the IBISBAKHub representative
  • Data can include:
    • Protocols
    • Experimental Inputs and Outputs
    • Quantitative Raw Data
    • Processed and Analysed Data
    • Final Reports
  • The data is associated with the project and referenced by a step / assay.
  • The data should specify if it is an input or an output of the step.
  • The final reports should be specified as documents and associated with the project.

What IBISBAKHub Structure will the Information be Incorporated to

  • Project structure to be decided by the Facility Operator in conjunction with the IBISBAKHub representative
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