Protocols Needing Curation

All IBISBA Protocols must meet the minimal requirements and must be written according to the Protocol template . Once you upload a protocol it will be stored in the uncurated Protocols library until checked and edited by an IBISBA curator. Uncurated Protocols will NOT be made public before they have undergone the curation process. Please give management rights to specific curators in order to facilitate the curation process as indicated below. To upload a new protocol please follow the guidelines here . While uploading the Protocol please pay attention to the following:


Under the section ¨projects¨, make sure to select the ¨Uncurated Protocols Library¨


Give one or more curators managing and editing rights. You can do this by by clicking on Actions and then from the drop down menu click on Manage Protocol


On the sharing options click ¨share with a person¨ and add the desired curator(s)


Give the curator the rights for ¨edit¨ and ¨manage¨

Protocol Curators

Each organisation within the IBISBA consortium has assigned a Protocol Curator. Curators are experts in different steps of the DBTL cycle and are responsible for the quality of the protocols uploaded in IBISBAKHub.

Uploading a curated protocol as a new version (only for curators)

Once a protocol has been changed to meet the required standards it can be uploaded to the curated protocol library.

  1. Open the page for the Uncurated Protocol, click on ¨actions¨ and ¨Upload new version¨. Upload the new curated version of the protocol.
  1. On the new version, containing the curated protocol, click on ¨actions¨, ¨manage protocol¨. In the ¨project¨ section unmark the ¨Uncurated protocols library¨ option
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