
Obligation to use infrastructure services in a member state or than that of one’s usual place of work (user nationality is irrelevant). For multiple services (max 3), use of national facilities may be possible, but these will not be subsidised by IBISBA.

Project Profile

Type: continuum of services. Projects are limited to 1 access on the same platform and to a total of 3 accesses,

Date and time of submission The application should be sent before the deadline officially published on the website.

Science Impact

An Expert Selection Panel will help IBISBA administrators to appreciate the quality of each application. However, the TNA administrator and the Executive Board of IBISBA are fully responsible for the final decisions regarding TNA service requests.

Evaluation criteria:

  • Project Scientific excellence, maturity and purposefulness
  • Methodology and Implementation
  • Originality and innovative nature of the project
  • Relevance/Complementary with IBISBA aims and TNA offer


Projects that are successfully evaluated will be submitted to a pre-service feasibility screen. This vital step will be performed by a qualified panel and the TNA Administrator. Recommendations made by the feasibility panel might require modifications to the original service request.

Evaluation criteria: Methodology and Implementation Feasibility of the project


Once the evaluation process is completed, final decisions on service requests are taken by the IBISBA Executive Board.

Access Offer - Final Results

Results of TNA calls are published on the IBISBA website and individual project proposers are contacted by email. Successful applicants have 10 working days to confirm acceptance of the TNA service offer using the appropriate form to do this.


Up to 6 months

Compliance with Format

Within the application form, all fields must be completed using “Corbel (or Arial) font, size 10” characters, single-spaced (as set by default).

N.B.: Proposals that are incomplete, not in conformity with the recommended format or are too lengthy will not be reviewed. Proposals must be uploaded to the electronic submission system, named in the following format: ACRONYM_TNA4_COUNTRYCODE.

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