Contribution Process

The handbook is hosted on Github. We appreciate that many people are inexperienced and uncomfortable about using Github. Therefore,to make it easy we provide you the option to contribute via Google docs using the following steps:

  • Email the editorial team at to propose a new page or a new section in an existing page. Make sure to keep other contributors in the CC of your email. The editors will create an issue in the GitHub repository to announce your plan of contribution.

  • Go to the Handbook Space and copy the Template provided there and name it with the title of the page you wish to contribute.

  • Start writing your content.

  • Notify the editorial team when you are done writing.

  • The editors will assign reviewers to your page, who will provide feedback in the form of comments on the shared google doc and will notify you.

  • Address the reviewers’ comments and let the editorial team know, again by mail, that you’re done with revisions.

  • The editors will then transfer your page to GitHub and let you know when it is published on the website.

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