Obligation to Publish Results
Transnational Access within IBISBA is an activity subsidised by the European Commission. Therefore, in accordance with rules that apply to the H2020 programme, users are expected to ensure that data generated through TNA is made FAIR and that work is published in open access journals or made available on an open access platform (e.g. open archives)*. Moreover, in compliance with IBISBA rules, TNA users will be required to supply a project report (see below).
*in accordance with European Commission regulations, SMEs are exempted from this rule.
Acknowledgement of the access provided to users must be included in the publication, specifying that the project leading to the publication was subsidised by the IBISBA project. The mandatory statement is:
e.g.: partial funding of this was provided by the Transnational Access to Research Infrastructures scheme operated by the IBISBA project, which is funded by the H2020 Framework Programme of the European Commission (grant agreement n. 730976)
Additionally, the host partner organisation should be acknowledged, according to host partner user and requirements.
Intellectual Property Rules for SMEs SMEs are covered by the specific European Commission regulation. Remains for them the obligation to acknowledge the use of network and infrastructure, no obligation to publish for open access, and an optional participation in success stories.
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